Billy Crudup in Pictures is purely a fan site, created for personal entertainment. It is a not-for-profit website.

Billy Crudup in Pictures  is not owned, operated or authorized by

Billy Crudup or any of his management or productions. The author

is not, does not know, and has never met Billy Crudup (Been about 5 ft away but that doesn't count!).

Any opinions expressed in this site are those of the author and its guests and in no way represent the opinions of Billy Crudup.

All materials used in this site are believed to be in the public domain and are used solely for the personal enjoyment of Billy Crudup fans.

They remain the property of their respective copyright holders and this site is in no way trying to infringe on these copyrights. This site was created on December 2001 and is designed and maintained by Sharon E. Cappelson. All layout, graphics and original art is ©2001 Billy Crudup in Pictures and Sharon E. Cappelson and are NOT to be used on other sites.